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Treat yourself 

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Rewarding yourself doesn’t have to be in the form of cake or champagne, though there’s nothing wrong with that from time to time! We’ve got some great ideas of other ways to treat yourself. 

So you’ve had a great week at work, scored that promotion, or hit that target you set yourself. You want to celebrate and treat yourself to a reward, and why shouldn’t you! There’s nothing wrong with tucking into a tub of ice cream, or ordering your favourite takeaway every now and then, but know that not all rewards have to be food or drink. There are so many more ways we can show ourselves a little love. Nourish yourself in a way that feels good for you. 

Take some inspiration from our list – or let it be a springboard to inspire you to come up with your own treats and rewards. 

  • Join a yoga class, at your local studio or online. 
  • Get outside and go for a walk. 
  • Use Pinterest to make a visual record of your goals, ideal home, DIY interior ideas or more. 
  • Watch an inspirational TED talk or listen to a podcast on one of your favourite interests. 
  • Plan a day out to visit a place that’s been on your To See list for awhile. 
  • Buy yourself some flowers or a new plant to nurture. 
  • Play with your pet for 5 minutes. 
  • Listen to your favourite song. 
  • Arrange a video call or meet up with a good friend or family member for a chat. 
  • Spend a day just letting go of the need to ‘achieve’ anything. 
  • Take a bath and light some of those candles you’ve been saving. 
  • Start a gratitude journal. 
  • Try a 10 minute guided meditation. 
  • Buy some new pyjamas (nothing beats a fresh set). 
  • Visit a beach, river or lake to seek calm by the water. 
  • Browse a charity shop and treat yourself to a new book. 
  • Take a nap. 
  • Write to someone you care about or haven’t spoken to in a while. 
  • Pay it forward by doing a small act of kindness for someone, pay someone a compliment or tell them how much they mean to you. 

Sometimes you’ll struggle to find the exact thing to make you feel better, and that’s totally normal. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. If chocolate is the only thing that’ll hit the spot, remember that moderation is ok and savour your treat. 

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