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Food on the go

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Does your job mean you’re often on the road, or grabbing food at a moment’s notice? This can make eating a balanced diet tricky. Missed meals leave you ravenous and the vending machine calls your name. Sound familiar? Plan ahead!

Seek out, or better still, prep at home, healthy snacks to keep you going until your next meal. High fibre foods will help you feel fuller for longer. Try these:

  • Fruit, bananas, apples and pears are very portable and come in their own wrapping – bonus
  • Small handful of unsalted mixed nuts
  • Lightly salted wholegrain rice cakes
  • Boiled egg
  • Hummus and vegetable sticks

If you can’t prep and your only choice is buying food, use the traffic light system on packaging to help you decide what to grab. Many restaurant and fast food menus state the calories in each dish. For healthier choices, look for:

  • Tomato based sauces rather than cheese or cream
  • Whole grain bread, rice and porridge
  • Lean proteins such as chicken or ham in sandwiches and salads
  • Grilled or poached foods, not fried or roasted
  • Salads and vegetables to fill you up – watch out for calorific dressings

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