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Eat out with ease

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Eating out can be tricky. Large portions and tempting, high calorie foods can make choosing healthy options harder. The good news is, we can enjoy eating out – and keep on track. Let’s find out how. 

Make a plan and stick to it 

Excess hunger can lead to impulsive choices, so planning ahead can be key. Use online menus to find healthy options beforehand. That way you’re less likely to give into temptation when ordering. Keep meals regular. Skipping lunch ahead of a big dinner out can backfire and cause you to overeat. Stick to your regular meal plan and you might find it easier to stay control of your portions and appetite. 

Steer clear of the buffet 

A spoonful of this and a dollop of that adds up. Buffets can make it hard to control portion sizes and you may end up eating more than you intended. If you know you find buffets a challenge, order of the menu instead. 

Let’s ketchup on condiments and sauces 

Go easy on high fat condiments like mayonnaise and sugary ones like tomato ketchup and chutneys. Instead, opt for mustard, chillies and other herbs and spices to add depth and flavour. 

Tomato or vegetable based sauces offer a healthier choice. Cheese, cream and butter based sauces are high in fat and calories. 

Spot all the extras 

Keep an eye out for toppings like cheese, bacon, nuts, oils or croutons as they add extra calories. Ask for dressings and trimmings to be served on the side so you can use them sparingly. 

Sharing is caring 

Puddings can be high in fat and sugar so consider splitting it with your dining companion. Ask for a junior portion or order fresh fruit to satisfy that sweet tooth instead. 

You do you 

Fancy a starter? Have it as your meal and add a side salad or vegetables to fill you up. If your main course is enormous, you can choose to remove some of it from your plate before you eat. Be flexible. Don’t be shy to ask to tweak a dish. Do what’s right for you. 

Don’t worry if you do go off plan. It happens to us all. In fact, sometimes it’s not off plan at all. Maybe you’ve decided you’re going to eat what you like, like at a meal celebrating a special occasion, and that’s completely fine. Enjoy your meal, just try not to let it derail your day or week. 

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