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6 myths about nutrition busted

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There are so many myths about nutrition that it can be hard to know where you stand. Do you need to be eating expensive miracle berries? Should your diet be low in fat? We asked nutritionist Cassandra Barns to tell us what myths she hears most often – and what the truth behind nutrition actually is… 

Myth 1: Citrus fruits are the best sources of Vitamin C

Although we think of fruit as being high in vitamin C, vegetables are actually often better sources. This is certainly true for broccoli, which can contain more than our Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin C in just 100 grams (which is about one-third of a head of broccoli).  As heat can destroy vitamin C, to get the most benefits, lightly cook (ie steam) it for no more than 4 minutes. 


Myth 2: Swap sweet treats for cereal bars

They can seem like a healthier option, but cereal bars can be as bad for you as the chocolate bars or the sweets you might be trying to replace. Some are around one-third sugar, and they can contain artificial flavourings and sweeteners and unhealthy vegetable oils, too.  As a better alternative, try snacking on oatcakes. We love ones like Nairn’s Super Seeded Oatcakes, which you can get for around £1.50 in most supermarkets. Top with almond butter for a decadent, creamy snack that gives you filling fats and protein, plus the slow-releasing carbohydrates will help keep your energy up for longer. 

Myth 3: The best superfoods are the most expensive

You don’t have to fork out for expensive goji berries and chia seeds to boost your antioxidant intake. Carrots are a fantastic source of antioxidants too. They’re especially rich in beta-carotene, which has protective effects for your skin and converts to vitamin A in the body. And you can pick up a 1kg bag for less than 50p, making them half the price of sweet potatoes and much, much cheaper than the latest ‘must-have’ superfood ingredient. Wondering how to up your intake? Grate carrots into pasta sauces, roast them to go alongside your Sunday roast or snack on some carrot batons dipped in hummus. 


Myth 4: Fats are bad for you

Tłuszcze przez lata zyskały złą reputację, ale w rzeczywistości nasz organizm potrzebuje tłuszczów, aby zachować zdrowie. Zdrowe tłuszcze, takie jak te znajdujące się w tłustych rybach, ghee, awokado, orzechach i nasionach mogą wspomóc naszą pamięć, wzrok, zdrowie kości, zmniejszyć stan zapalny, a nawet pomóc naszym nerwom. Jeśli chodzi o etykiety na produktach spożywczych, upewnij się, że unikasz rafinowanych olejów roślinnych, tłuszczów "trans" i tłuszczów uwodornionych, a także żywności gotowanej w nich lub z ich użyciem - w tym wielu przetworzonych produktów spożywczych. 

Myth 5: Coffee keeps you energised

There’s no denying that coffee can give you a buzz and help get you going in the morning, but in the long term it can drain your energy, especially if you find you need to drink more and more of it to feel the same effect. Try a matcha green tea as it provides some natural caffeine to give you a gentle lift, but also contains theanine which can help calm the mind and encourage focus and concentration. All this makes it an energising alternative to coffee. 


Myth 6: Chocolate is bad for your skin

If you thought chocolate was your skin’s worst enemy, think again. Raw cacao – the main raw ingredient used to make chocolate – is high in plant compounds called flavanols. These stimulate our body’s own antioxidant defences, and research suggests they have a protective effect for the skin, including against the effects of ageing and sun damage. To properly reap the benefits, go dark – at least 70% cacao – and try and choose raw chocolate as they eliminate the roasting process that can damage those powerful flavanols.

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