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South East London Diabetes Prevention programme

We recently caught up with Craig, a 52-year-old freelance graphic designer from Southwark in South East London, who completed the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP). He shared his experience of how the course has helped him to take small but impactful steps towards improving his wellbeing and preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes.


A Bit About Craig

I am 52 years old and work as a graphic designer. I live near Southwark tube and work as a freelance graphic designer. I spend my working week between working from home and from my studio in Holborn. Sitting at a desk all day, I am conscious of how sedentary my working day is”


How Did You Join the NDPP?

“I got a call from Lena who runs the scheme. I believe she was given my details from my GP once blood tests showed I was pre-diabetic. I had the blood tests due to a lingering chest infection.”


What Have You Enjoyed About the Programme?

“I have found the programme to be bursting with useful information, and we always cover a lot of ground in a short space of time. Lena is an excellent educator and has created a great forum where you feel comfortable to talk about issues around food and drink. There is a supportive dynamic amongst the participants, and I look forward to each session very much. The course is far more enjoyable than I anticipated.

I have learnt a LOT from just the first five sessions.

An overriding message I got from the course is that you can make tiny 1% changes at a time. You are not expected to make a huge overhaul to your whole life all at once. You are not expected to change your entire diet, exercise routine, and stress management all in a day! The changes can be slower but steady.”

What have you learned that is helping you to improve your wellbeing?


“The main change I’ve made is that I have stopped buying ready-meals and I’m now cooking meals fresh. This allows me to regulate my sugar and salt intake and season food exactly how I like it. My go-to drink at the pub was cider, and I was shocked to learn how much sugar is in one pint, so I’ve cut back on my alcohol intake.

Learning about Mindful Eating has made me much more experimental with my cooking, and I’m enjoying trying out fruits and veg I would not have considered previously.

As simplistic as it sounds, I’ve learnt that exercise is not just confined to a gym. I am not a big fan of gyms, but instead, I have started walking to and from work.”

Craig from SE London is now cooking healthy meals after avoiding type 12 diabetes


What early successes have you had so far?

“Discovering new fruits and veg. Shifting from white rice and pasta to brown. Drinking more water daily. Cutting back on alcohol.”

What would you say to anyone who is thinking of signing up to the programme?

“The idea of signing up to a course that runs over a 10-month period (9 sessions in total) initially seemed like a big commitment, but I have gained so much invaluable information and have met some great people on the course. I will definitely miss it when it’s over.

There is a fun group dynamic, and the course is very supportive of everyone’s different needs and eating habits. Lena communicates in a fun and informative way. The tone of the course is never preachy or judgemental; it just lays out the facts and allows for lots of questions along the way.

The visuals and infographics are laid out very clearly. They are fresh and informative, never patronising or overly complex to understand.

I was given the option of doing the course online, but I knew that I would not make the same level of commitment as participating in person, and hearing the other group members’ stories and ideas has been very informative and heart-warming.

Although the course is a pre-diabetes prevention course, it is also great to prevent a whole range of other conditions such as high cholesterol, being overweight, prevention of heart diseases, and many more. I would highly recommend you join the course. It will be the best 2 hours a month that you spend!”

Take Control of Your Health Today

Craig’s story shows that making small, manageable changes can lead to big improvements in your wellbeing. 

If you are ready to make positive changes to your health, the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme can help you take that first step towards a healthier future. Whether you are in South East London like Craig, or in areas such as Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Derby & Derbyshire, London, North West, North East, South West, South East, or Peterborough & Cambridgeshire, if you are registered with a GP in one of these locations and are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, you can join our programme.

Joining the NDPP could be the most valuable two hours you spend each month, helping you to prevent diabetes and boost your overall health. Sign up now and make a lasting change to your future.